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A+CSR  - a leading sustainability consultant  

The story of A+ CSR Indonesia is about a group of young people with various background (consultant, professional at MNC, and researcher) who are apprehensive towards the concepts on economic development, social welfare and environmental balance in Indonesia during 2000’s. Some are friends during childhood and teenage days, some became friends during college days, and some finally decided to join due to common interest and occupation.


At the same time, corporate social responsibility or what known as CSR (an ethic concept in doing business) arose worldwide started to sprout in this country. This group of confused people, where in fact they daily deal with community development concept and practice, social research, and even security and business intelligence, directly became devotees and connoisseurs of this concept, part of very small beginners in Indonesia.


Books, journals, articles, and any information on CSR were searched, collected, studied and researched, and discussed. At first, it was just like defining an unknown gigantic thing in the dark. Just by feeling and guessing. This stubbornness and audacity have always become a powerful mantra. Within a couple of years, this previously faint thing has become easily comprehended, materialised, and even implemented.




Prioritize Integrity.  

Honest and Ethical. 

Transparent and Humble. 

Fair and Just.  

Respect Differences. 

Professional and Responsible.  

at Glance  
  • Established as a social enterprise in 2006.

  • Aim: Promote CSR in Indonesia to companies and their stakeholders, so they understand the true meaning, scope and strategic nature of CSR.

  • Works with a wide cross-section of stakeholders (local and central governments, NGOs, universities, local communities).

  • Has extensive networks throughout the country, seen as being one of most active and prominent CSR organizations in Indonesia.

  • Has been providing advisory services to many companies in Indonesia in particular in oil and gas, and mining sectors.

  • Provide the latest knowledge on CSR for a wide array of stakeholders 

  • Provide assistance to solve company vs community conflict and achieve a win-win-win solution

  • We are expert on developing tri-sector partnership (community, company, and government) for sustainable development    

  • Assist Restoration Ecosystem and Carbon Project Preparation in Indonesia

Holistic services for sustainable business 
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We are leading sustainability Reporting Consultant in Indonesia  


We are expert in  social risk, conflict resolution, Livelihoods Restoration for physical and economical displacement Process   

"We found strong evidence that companies with strong ESG (environment, social, governance) profiles are really better at managing risks and opportunities"

-Guido Giese- Executive Director MSCI

The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has long been used as an effective lens through which to examine the actions business can take toward ensuring mutual long-term well-being and sustainability.

Klaus Schwab - economist  



Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED, Our Common Future)




Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders

Social responsibility is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that: • Contributes to sustainable development, including the health and welfare of society • Takes into account the expectations of stakeholders • Is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour Is integrated throughout the organization and practised in all its relationships


Extracted from ISO 26000:2010



Our world faces a number of global challenges: climate change, transitioning from a linear economy to a circular one, increasing inequality, balancing economic needs with societal needs. Investors, regulators, as well as consumers and employees are now increasingly demanding that companies should not only be good stewards of capital but also of natural and social capital and have the necessary governance framework in place to support this. More and more investors are incorporating ESG elements into their investment decision making process, making ESG increasingly important from the perspective of securing capital, both debt and equity.

We are in a Climate Emergency, but there is still time to avert disaster if we take bold, immediate action at the speed and scale necessary – beyond what politicians have deemed politically possible. The next ~7 years is humanity’s best window to enact bold, transformational changes in our global economy to avoid raising global temperature above 1.5ºC, a point of no return that science tells us is likely to make the worst climate impacts inevitable.

We work with executives from:

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